UNLOCK Župkova Premium
UNLOCK Župkova Premium
With Župkova Premium you get:
- 20 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
- 17 high quality topo images
- 3 sectors with extra details
- Unlimited access to all the other 4053 Premium crags around the world
- Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
The area is access sensitive!
Župková sa nachádza v ochrannom pásme Národného parku Muránská planina, dodržiavať pravidla ochrany prírody platné pre ochranné pásmo NP. V ochrannom pásme platí II. stupeň ochrany prírody podľa zákona 543/2002 Z.z. o ochrane prírody a krajiny.
The climbing area is part of the Muranská planina nature park, please follow the rules of nature protection. New climbing activities must be consulted by local climbers.
Prístup z Muráňa: štátnou cestou č. 531 smerom na Poprad cca 13 km na odbočku lesnej cesty po pravej strane. Parkovať pred závorou. Tu parkovať, tak aby ste neobmedzovali premávku. Lesnou cestou pešo cca 30 min. ku skalám.
Prístup z Červenej Skaly: Od križovatky štátnej cesty č. 66 s cestou č. 531 smerom na Muráň cca 1 km na prvú odbočku na lesnú cestu po ľavej strane. Ďalej ako prístup z Muráňa.
Access from Muráň: state road no. 531 in the direction of Poprad, approx. 13 km to the branch of the forest road on the right. Park in front of the barrier. Park here so as not to obstruct traffic. About 30 minutes on foot through the forest path. to the rocks.
Access from Červená Skala: From the intersection of state road no. 66 with road no. 531 in the direction of Muráň, approx. 1 km to the first turn onto the forest road on the left. Furthermore, as an approach from Muráň.