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Ciucciati il calzino
1 route on 0 topos
Masso di Angelo
22 routes on 3 topos
Angel's Brother
4 routes on 1 topo
12 routes on 1 topo
5 routes on 1 topo
Masso Grande
8 routes on 2 topos
Disney World
4 routes on 1 topo
7 routes on 1 topo
Masso di Carlo
21 routes on 3 topos
7 routes on 2 topos
7 routes on 2 topos
8 routes on 1 topo
La Pala
8 routes on 1 topo
Lo Scudo (Masso di Federico)
10 routes on 1 topo
Sopra Angelo
1 route on 1 topo
Good Morning 1
8 routes on 3 topos
Blues Brothers
6 routes on 2 topos
Good Morning 3
12 routes on 2 topos
Good Morning 2
4 routes on 2 topos
11 routes on 4 topos
True Blue
8 routes on 1 topo
Grande Faggio 2
6 routes on 1 topo
Grande Faggio 1
8 routes on 1 topo
6 routes on 1 topo
Millenium Bug
6 routes on 1 topo
Cattivi Pensieri
3 routes on 1 topo
Easy Becco
4 routes on 1 topo
Amanita phalloides
12 routes on 2 topos
Easy Amanita
4 routes on 1 topo
10 routes on 1 topo
Il Dente
4 routes on 2 topos
La Placchetta
3 routes on 1 topo
5 routes on 1 topo
La Placconata
5 routes on 1 topo
8 routes on 2 topos
Muro dei Quarzi
7 routes on 1 topo
La Grotta delle Fate
40 routes on 7 topos
7 routes on 2 topos
Volante e Sostegno
12 routes on 5 topos
3 routes on 1 topo
6 routes on 2 topos
Masso Del Cristallo
8 routes on 3 topos
Masso Dx Centrale Sx
9 routes on 3 topos
3 routes on 2 topos
Rolling Stones
18 routes on 4 topos
Piccolo Cervino
6 routes on 2 topos
Il Filetto
9 routes on 2 topos
La Playa
15 routes on 2 topos
Lo Specchio e Il Nido
14 routes on 3 topos
Masso di Venere
14 routes on 4 topos
Il Piroscafo
17 routes on 2 topos
5 routes on 1 topo
Apollo 13
4 routes on 2 topos
6 routes on 1 topo
Masso Zebrato e La Cosa
22 routes on 4 topos
Masso Delle Fatiche
7 routes on 2 topos
Il Tetto
2 routes on 1 topo
Cap Canaveral
7 routes on 3 topos
Golden Globe
20 routes on 6 topos
3 routes on 1 topo
Masso Piatto
4 routes on 1 topo
Parking n:2
Parking n:1
General marker for the crag