
The sector is situated in the Petriados area. The boulders are usually slabby with slopers. The rock is a pretty good granite in this sector, but on some boulders it can be a bit sandy.
It is a good idea to bring your own brush, because moss grows quickly on the boulders !

The place is very pleasant, it is easy to move from one boulder to another. Goats like this area very much too !

The best climbing conditions are in Winter. In Summer, it is really too hot to climb.


The first 9 boulders were established before 2008, and released in the guidebook of Tinos.
The 10th boulder was added on 27crags by Antonios Sovantzis in 2017.

All other boulders were established by Samuel Bardy and Julie Stentz in February 2022, during a five months trip in Tinos.