Veľká Studená dolina
Mengusovská dolina
Malá Studená dolina
Zlomisková dolina
Mlynická dolina
Batizovská dolina
Velická dolina
Skalnatá dolina
Dolina bielej vody
Hetinaczov žľab thumbnail
Hetinaczov žľab
5+ Ice or Mixed at Ostrva predná
Západné rebro - Gálfy thumbnail
Tatarkova cesta thumbnail
Tatarkova cesta
6b+ Partially bolted at Ostrva predná
Skákal pes thumbnail
Michalkov variant thumbnail
Limbovec thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Ostrva predná
Roky radosti thumbnail
Špára thumbnail
6b+ Aid at Ostrva predná

Climbing has been limited!

The High Tatras are part of a nature reserve. For all sports activities, including climbing, the rules are defined by the visiting rules and controlled by nature rangers.
The Slovak Mountaineering Association also has rules of mountaineering activities in the High Tatras, which must be observed.

Warning, according to the current rules, climbing is prohibited in the "Plesnivec" sector, the listed climbing routes in the "Plesnivec" sector only describe the history of climbing.