Standing start and via the splintery rock diagonal up to the final hold of "Gipfelbier". Far move.
Sd to "Splitter-Attacke" from the lower holds around the small ramp. Original - before the ramp got a crimp on it - an 7A/+.
The dihedral from a standing start on. Stay in it, until you can reach the final hold of "Jagd auf den Schwarzbär" to the right.
Traverse from left to right. Start is the dihedral, aim the starting hold of "Die Benny-Hill-Show" at the very right of the sector. Crux is the end of the boulder.
Sd. The black pillar straight up without the left edge.
Sd. Straight up through the slabby wall.
Sd on the right side of the slabby wall. The prominent holes are signing the way. Same final hold as "Gesprengte Berge".
Nearly endless traverse from right to left through the whole sector til the start of the "Gipfelbier-Traverse". Fat!
Start at the hole right of "Hohlspiegeldesaster", traverse to the left and exit as "Gipfelbier".