No special access issues

Do sektoru Strnady se dostává náročně. Do Strnad se dá dostat autem nebo autobusem ze Smíchova. Ve vsi samotné se musí lezec dostat k chatě č. 96. Za ní vede stezka do prudkého a celkem sypkého kopce nahoru k malému lomu, ve kterém se sektor nachází. Doporučujeme opravdu pevnou obuv a jít do tohoto sektoru spíš na lehko a nechat maximum věcí v autě.

MHD: autobusová zastávka Strnady

Parkoviště: Ulice vsi Strnady
It is difficult to get to the Strnady sector. You can get to Strnady by car or by bus from Smichov. In the village itself the climber has to get to the hut No. 96. Behind it, a trail leads up a steep and quite loose hill to a small quarry in which the sector is located. We recommend wearing really sturdy footwear and going into this sector rather lightly and leaving as much stuff as possible in the car.

Public transport: bus stop Strnady

Parking: Strnady village street


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email