This island right outside of the coast of Övik has unofficially been declared as Swedens most beautiful island, and is the perfect place to walk around, enjoy serene nature, unique natural features, as well as climb on amazing lines.
The rock quality is great with huge variation. Everything from glass polished granite to rocks with sandpapered structure, and all over the island you will find problems in a wide range of difficulty.
Although only few boulders have been developed it's not unreasonable to believe this small island may hold well over 120+ boulders of decent quality. Efforts are being made to allow further development.
This is a nature reserv which is held in very high regard. It goes without saying, but:
* Do not pick any of the rocks to take home, no matter how round, polished and beautiful.
* Do not litter.
* Respect nature (plants, moss, animals etc).
* Keep down the noise when close to paths and bathing spots (as the Island hosts a lot of visitors).
* Only use designated areas for fire.