No special access issues

This crag is separated in three access parkings. First o to "Bärnhof", about 4 km east to "Velden".
From here:

Ewige Jagdgründe:
🚗 Go towards "Königstein" and turn right at the first possible dirt road after 600 meters. Go ahead for 150 until you reach the forest, park here.
🏃🏼 Go ahead that dirt road for 500 meters until you've passed a long right bend. There's a pond to your right and an old road from forest operations. Follow that old road and you'll end up at the crag after 150 meters.

Vöderreuther Wand:
🚗 Go towards "Rinnenbrunn". After the downhill road park on the right after 280 meters at a small forest reaching the street.
🏃🏼 Go ahead the street for 50 meters and turn left onto a foot path leading up the hill to the crag.

Sulzfelsen - Stefansturm - Waldschänke
🚗 Go towards "Königstein" and park at the end of the downhill road (350m) on the right where the forest reaches the street.
🏃🏼 Take the trail to your right leading into the forest. After a few meters there's a foot path to your right leading to the base of "Stefansturm". Go left along the base and you'll reach "Sulzfels" within 80 meters.

Pass the Base of "Stefansturm" anti clockwise up the hill and you'll get to the upper stage into the arch.

Turn right at base of "Stefansturm" staying at same altitude and you'll gett to "Nebenmaßiv". "Waldschänke" is just above "Nebenmaßiv", reaching from the left of "Waldschänke".


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email