The island of the Saba is known to most for its scuba diving and beautiful trails but only very few know that if offers limited but unique climbing. Saba is a part of the Caribbean Netherlands and is located in the North-East of the Caribbean Sea in close approximation to St. Maarten. The island is tiny, with its landmass of 15 square kilometers, but rises steep up from the sea with its peak Mount Scenery at a height of 887 meters. Its unofficial name as the unspoiled queen is well deserving for how unique, green, beautiful and pristine the island is. The island is like a fortress and unlike any other Caribbean island! There is one steep winding road from the Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport to Fort Bay harbor and Well’s bay and those point are also they only paved access points to the sea.
Saba offers spectacular scuba diving and hiking that only a small number of tourists get to experience every year. I believe that climbing could be a nice addition to the possible outdoor activities that can be experience on the island. Currently (2019) there is only a handful of boulders developed which offers 1-3 days’ worth of fun but for the more adventurous climbers I have left some locations on the map that highlight potential areas for development. Most of these were not developed because of the intense (steep terrain and hot weather) approach and lack of climbing partners. But I dream of returning to the island someday to further explore and develop climbing potential on the island with a motivated group.
So, if you are going to the island for vacation and fancy a climb, then do not forget to bring your climbing shoes. Ask around for something resembling a bouldering pad at Sea Saba or the local gym/school. And if you are really stoked and would like to develop more on the island just get in touch with me and I will see how I can be of assistance or join. You can get in touch through and they will connect us.
- Jimmy van Rijn