
Even the first pitch is pure climbing pleasure, you could probably climb the 2nd length straight away.

The route is always in solid granite, except for the 3rd pitch, where a rock has been secured with a wire rope and bolts.

The start of the 4th rope proved to be not easy, but then it goes up again quickly. The route continues with marvelous crack, ledge (5th length) and slab climbing (6th length).

Crag lovers will get their money's worth in the 7th length. At the beginning, only the right-hand side offers footholds, but gradually it becomes easier and easier.

Finally, you cross out under a small roof (looks harder than it is), then the route leads straight upwards. This is where things get interesting once again, because once you have overcome the strenuous climber, you can immediately put your foot technique to the test once more (crux UIAA 7+ or A0/6+).

The last few meteres are climbed straight up through easy rock to the abseil station.


Mike Pfund
Michael Schragl
Reinhold Gruber