Fabergé egg thumbnail
Fabergé egg
8A Boulder at Boulderit
Eggshell thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Boulderit
Holographic Duality thumbnail
Direct holograpic attraction thumbnail
No topo image available
7A Boulder at Boulderit
L'dör OFF thumbnail
L'dör OFF
7A Boulder at Boulderit
Critical Mass thumbnail
Critical Mass
7A Boulder at Boulderit
Warpaint thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Boulderit
L'dör left thumbnail
L'dör left
6B+ Boulder at Boulderit
Topographic thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Boulderit
Low hanging fruit thumbnail
Droppling thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Boulderit
Mount Puroniitty thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

1km walk along a good and obvious forest trail from the parking. Can be accessed with bus number 91 also. Park only on the side of the road. DO NOT BLOCK the road leading to the top of the hill. Two cars max. The area is also used by hikers. If there is no room please move to another crag

It has been agreed that the big rock wall right next to the forest pond trail won't be developed. That way the undisturbed idyllic scenery of the forest will be preserved and other people such as hikers can also enjoy the forest.

Luckily all the best climbing spots are in secluded areas away from the major trails so happy climbing and be EXTREMELY FRIENDLY TO LOCALS AND PARK RESPONSIBLY!