
Dating back to the late 80`s the Propaganda wall is one of the classic crags in the Bergen area. The wall is between vertical to about 30 degrees overhanging and is riddled with cracks and other features more commenly found on trad routes. The routes are in the range between 6b and 8a+ with some of the 8a`s arguably among the best in the region.
The wall is facing west and stays in the shade untill 14.30 more or less (in summer). It is situated on big ledge above another wall with a great view of the surrounding area and often gets a breeze, especially when the wind is blowing from northwest/west. From the parking it`s about a 10-15 min walk.


Discovered in the mid 80`s the quallity of the rock, the unique features and the difficulty of the lines quickly attracted the attention of the strongest climbers in the area resulting in classics like Frank Sæthres "Mad Max" (8a) from 1989 that still to this day remains a sougth after and difficult test piece for any would be 8a climber in the area. The wall is maintained by Bergen klatreklubb (BKK) and was rebolted in 2010.