No special access issues

The access to all of the sectors in the valley doesn't present issues. The parking spaces are few, if a spot is full don't park on the road. Now the access is unrestricted, but if climbers cause issues it could change so keep it lowkey.

Access for sector "fiume basso":
1) Lower part of the sector: park at the lowest down marked parking spot, walk up the road that follows the riverbed, after ~5-10 min. you will pass a hydroelectric powerstation, 200 meters after that go right to the riverbed, follow the river upstream ~200 meters and you will be at the first blocs.
2) Higher part of the sector: park at the lower marked parking spot for the sector "ponte", follow the gravel road, at the first split go right, at the second stay high up, don't go to the abandoned house, continue for ~10 minutes until a grassy widening, on the left find a faint trail (might be overgrown depending on the season), follow that to the riverbed and go uphill for the higher part of the sector or downstream for the rest.

Access for sector "ponte":
1) Lower/middle part of the sector: park at the marked concrete ramp, from there follow the gravel road to the riverbed (~2 minutes), from there go downstream for the lower part of the sector or upstream for the middle/high part.
2) Upper part of the sector: from the small marked parking spot walk down to the bridge, form its left side you can descend into the riverbed (no trail), from there go downhill.

Access for sector "fiume alto":
1) Lower section of the sector: from the marked parking spot near the fountain follow the gravel road all the way to the riverbed, then go upstream (or downstream for "l'afa" and "i giorni della canicola").
2) Highest part of the sector: from the marked parking spot walk over the culvert/"bridge" and then jump over the right guardrail, from there go to the riverbed and go downstream.

Access for sector "foresta bassa":
1) For "il naufrago", "false ortiche" and "lo sciame": from the same parking spot as for the upper section of the "fiume alto" sector, go up the torrent's riverbed for "il naufrago" or follow the torrent but ~20 meters to the right for "lo sciame" and "false ortiche"
2) For "mucche al pascolo", "pomeriggio d'estate" and "corri che ti bagni", from the other marked parking spot for the sector get into the dry creek and go ~150 meters uphill for "mucche al pascolo " and "pomeriggio d'estate " or do the same with the creek that is a few meters more towards the mountain side for "corri che ti bagni"; to find it pass the first creek and continue straight towards the mountain side.

Access for sector "foresta alta":
1) For the highball project and the big board project: you see them from the parking spot
2) For the Bombaso bloc or the "earfquake" bloc: from the parking spot in front of the house go down into the forest, you will intercept an unmarked trail, follow it for the Bombaso bloc, keep going to get near the "pissy pampers" bloc, it's impossible to give decent directions, use the map/coordinates


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email