Starts way left around corner on vertical face, traverses lip out right all the way past the roof offwidth and onto the final block.
Start deep in cave follow edges to crack/jug in roof, exit left to big holds
Follow edges trending up and right to gain lip
Likely the hardest line in the Koots . Follow chalked crimps and slopers out the roof. Yikes!
Starts in the corner and follows the beautiful rail out left to a couple small edges/cracks. Pop for lip.
Start on low left horn w feet in hole below, gain the rail then pop up and right to lip. Finish up and right.
Same start on horn, move up to twin microsloping edges and pop to lip, avoid the right wall and offwidth crack
Start low and right, and work the left wall and side of offidth up. Use right wall at times for feet. Topout as per other problems.
Start wayyy deep in the cave and climb the offwidth.