A hundred eyes
A hundred eyes 1 / 1
  • The low start to A Hundred Eyes and the full line. Start in the pit with left hand on a good sidepull in the niche and right hand on a positive undercut at chest height. Gain the arete and slap and burl your way to the undercut - victory may or may not follow.
  • The massive arête just over the fence. Start with left hand on a fat undercut, right hand on the arête. The low start is the true line though.
Panorama Rocks

Climbing has been limited!

Park on or near Hollin Hall Drive and follow the path up beside the fence until the upper boulders are seen. If you get to Panorama Drive and the houses, you've overshot.

The majority of the crag is open access being owned by Bradford Council. The Hundred Eyes boulder however is within privately owned woods.

The area to the west of the fence in Panorama Woods which the Hundred Eyes Climb and Pipeline Rock lies in is Private Property and can only be visited with prior permission from the land owner, Paul Connolly on 07879 688141.