
Kareharria Gorbeialdeako bihotzean.

Sektoreak eguzkitan daude egun osoan zehar, nahiko sufritua izan daiteke udan eta lerroek 10 eta 25 metroko luzeera dute oro har, zulotxoz eta erregletaz beteta, oin gutxirekin. Kontuz ibili bide batzuetan, harria higatuegia dago ta!

*Krokis hauek lau iturri ezberdinak erabiliz sortu dira, bakarrik agertzen dira egiaztatu (eta eguneratu) ahal izan ditudan graduak dituzten bideak.

Limestone in the heart of Gorbeialdea.

Sectors are in the sun the whole day, it can be quite the pain during the summer, routes are between 10 and 25 meters for the most part on crimps, pockets and with few footholds. Careful with the very polished rock in some routes!

*This topos have been created using four different sources, only the routes for which I have been able to confirm (and update) the grade of appear.


1988an Vicente Peralesek Pyrenaica aldizkariak argitaratu zituen lehen krokisak eta zioenez "beste batzuk aritu ziren handikan" eskola ezagun bihurtu baino lehen. Urte askotan zehar ez zuen arreta gehiegirik lortu horma txikiak zirela eta, baina 80. hamarkadan ezagunagoa bihurtu zen, batez ere, bere kokapenagatik.

In 1988 Vicente Perales published the first topo of Oro and mentioned that "others had climbed there" before the crag became more popular. During quite some years it didn't get much attention due to the small-ish lines, but in the 80s mainly due to its stunning location and ease of access, it became more popular.

Routes on Oroko Haitzak
84 sport 10 Likes
Premium topo by Blokezaleok
Rodrigo  Uriarte
from Murgia