Sitstart with hands on the big ledge, climb out to the left and ends when mantled the ledge on top.
Start on the same ledge as "Goddamn", go out to the big hold and then straight up.
Start on the same ledge as #1 and #2, go straiht out and to the top.
Sitstart with hands on the big ledge, go straight out through the roof without using the wall to the left.
Sitstart with hands on the big ledge, climb straight up.
Start on the big ledge, clim straight up to the top. Go to the edge on the end and not to the right.
Sitstart slightly to the right of Lazyboy, climb straight up.
Sit start, go straight out through the roof. Ends when you have mantled.
Dyno varitant of "Tartarus", start the same then dyno out through the roof to the big jug.