Bouldery and pumpy. The extension would be 7c+/8a.
Bolted in 1993 by Bernabé Fernández, FA Cristian Lupin in 2006.
The extension is 8b.
The first 30 meters to the first anchor is 7c+.
A 45 m intense monster pitch. Also known as "Brandy".
Start with Que Trabaje Rita and end with Randi
Starts with Al hakan, but breaks to the left. FA 2007 by Bernabé Fernández.
Bolted by Bérnabe Fernandez in 1993, FA Dani Andrada on 12/02/2004, who estimated the grade to be 8c+/9a. Fernandez himself climbed the line in 2006 proposing the same grade, but a after his ascent in 2018 Rafa Fanega proposed grade 8c+. 36m
A variation: starts with "Pepinazo original", ends to the anchor of "Al hakan".
An incredible mega classic and the most famous route in El Chorro, worth a pilgrimage. Lourdes is the first of the eight grade in El Chorro and one of the first ones in Spain. Similar style to Kalymnos Grande Grotta. 36 m.
FA Juan Manuel "Juanma" García in 1988. He also established the first 8a in Spain.
Next to Lourdes
Start with Conexión Lourdes and end with the nameless 8b