
Originally called Codol Dret, located in the middle of a private property, its a forest filled with boulders with a more compact sandstone than Savassona, with physical and athletic boulders, overhangs and roofs, pockets and dynos...

Some super classic lines here would be:
- Modus Vivendi 8A
- Dharma 7A+
- Guerrilla's crack 6A+
- Fisical brothers 7A

This is La Comarca, where the boulders are separated by a forest track that can be used with the car. Mind the bumps though!
It is not recommended, though, to enter with the car to avoid restrictions. It is recommended to leave the car in a field to the right just before entering the property, then you'll face a 10 minute walk.

The signal in the area is quite poor so it is recommended to download the Premium topo to be used offline.

Besides all the route information, the constantly growing 27 Crags Premium topos have GPS coordinates for each boulder and offline use in the app. These guarantee you won't get lost while navigating to the right rock and that bad internet connection won't stop you browsing the topos!

Even with explicit consent from the owner to practice bouldering, we have to be in our best behaviour, being quiet without drawing attention and avoid crossing fields or wandering off the signaled paths.