[#5] Den Oändliga Gåvan P1 thumbnail
[#5] Den Oändliga Gåvan P2 thumbnail
[#5] Den Oändliga Gåvan P3 thumbnail
[#15] Ichthys thumbnail
[#16] Dopet thumbnail
[#17] Konfirmationen thumbnail
[#18] Nattvarden thumbnail
[#20] Cathedral Corner thumbnail
[#22] Practice what you preach thumbnail
[#3] Den 1000-åriga Drömmen thumbnail
[#19] Kyrkbänken  thumbnail
[#19] Altaret thumbnail
[#13] Helveteshörnet thumbnail
[#11] Jordelivet thumbnail
[#11] Astral Projektion thumbnail
[#12] Himlen thumbnail
[#12] Himlen
7a+ Sport at Verdonhyllan
[#21] Munken thumbnail
[#14] Jacobs stege thumbnail
[#14] Jesu grav och uppståndelse  thumbnail
[#25] Dieselpastorns synder thumbnail
[#24] Simeon välsignaren thumbnail
[#3] Coming Home thumbnail
[#2] Kreation  thumbnail
[#3] Coming Home In A Bodybag Part One thumbnail
[#3] Coming Home In A Bodybag Part Two thumbnail
[#1] Semester med Luhr thumbnail
[#9] open project thumbnail
[#10] Saint Pete thumbnail
[#6] open project thumbnail
[#7] Open Project thumbnail
[#8] Open Project thumbnail
Open Project thumbnail
Open Project thumbnail
Open Project thumbnail
[#6] Open Project thumbnail
Open Project thumbnail
[#19] Långhuset thumbnail
Kyrkberget Storuman

The area is access sensitive!

Climbing is limited as the entire area is a nature reserve.

Exceptions are granted, with the permission of the County Administrative Board, during the period 10 July to 14 August within the area shown on the map, appendix 3a and 3b.

Climbing is allowed during the period 14 August to 15 April within the area shown on the map, appendix 3a and 3b.

All regulations and the above mentioned appendixes can be found here: https://www.lansstyrelsen.se/download/18.6ae610001636c9c68e5490cd/1530605951940/Kyrkberget%20beslut%20och%20sk%C3%B6tselplan%20utan%20s%C3%A4ndlista.pdf

Hunting takes place in the area between the 1st - 25th of september and between the 10th of october - 31st of january each year. This primarily around the road and the parkings, but beware of it, respect the hunters and communicate if uncertain.