Climbing has been limited
Rauter Wand is closed during the whole year. --> due to birds Deep Water Solo (DWS) is forbidden during the whole year --> due to birds Panoramawand is closed during the months of january to july (inc... Read more
We like Kochel Kraftwerk

Emmi Rautkylä
Nothing special

Andi Burger
Some special limestone for hard climbing with rare movements. Kochel seems to be frightening at first but then you will love it, once you understand it.

Toni Lamprecht
limestone, close to Munich with a lot of possibilities and climbable during the whole year!
Activities on this crag
Kochel Kraftwerk
Climbing has been limited!
Rauter Wand is closed during the whole year. --> due to birds
Deep Water Solo (DWS) is forbidden during the whole year --> due to birds
Panoramawand is closed during the months of january to july (including july). --> due to birds
Please accept those rules, otherwise authorities will close the climbing area Kochel and climbing will be prohibited in total. Would be an amazing loss.
More information where to climb and where not to climb: