
Katskhi is one of the most popular and best place to climb in Georgia. Perfect limestone for different type of climbing.

What you need

Your equipment should include a 60m rope and 15 quickdraws.

Always wear a helmet for your safety!!!

Most of the lines have short access from parking and comfort platform for belaying. lines are from 10 to 30 m high. All the rock in the area is limestone with small cracks and holes. Bolting style is quite safe for beginners and its not necessary to have a clip stick.

Best time to climb

Katskhi is located 700m above sea level. Best time to climb is from September till July. In August temperature is too high for climbing in the sun, but in shade or cloudy weather its pleasure to climb. There are sunny and also constantly shady places to climb. Some lines are covered on the top with big trees and some are overhang so you can climb them even in rainy weather.

Routes are categorized in French grade and starts from 5a to 8b.

Happy Climbing : )


History of modern climbing in Kacxi starts from 2006 when first climbing lines were bolted.
during soviet union from 70s there where many climbing competitions in old stile mostly top rope speed climbing.
One of the Georgian pioneers in rock climbing and mountaineering where training in this areas and first climbed kacxi column in 60s.
Most of climbing lines are bolted nearby kacxi column. its 42 m high column from limestone. On top of it there is a small church. Unfortunately some sectors where closed by church but there are many new and perspective areas for bolting.
During 10 years Georgian climber Guga.D was bolting around the area. Few lines where bolted by European climbers during years.
Nowadays here is bolting team who is making new lines and re bolting old ones. Every year here are climbing competitions, training sessions and every year more and more climbers are visiting Kacxi for climbing.