Aim for the shallow pocket through the groove leftward to reach a large chipped foothold or reach large thin break above.
Finish up Bald Pate.
Rock onto the sloping ledge and reach to the break. Follow good ledges to the arete then follow all the way into the same finish as Deathwatch.
Start above short corner and traverse right to left along the ledge to reach the arete, climb onto the slabby face and finish as for Bald Pate.
Short line at the top of the gully via positive holds.
Right hand side of the arete
Start as Serendipity until you can head left along the thin break then up the head wall.
Shallow flake to small holds in break then follow crack to top.
Direct finish to Piton Wall from the thin crack pass the break to a huge Rockover gaining the chicken heads and jug way above.
Up rightward ramp to big holds above. Reach the layaway and tackle the slab.
Chimney to arete passing the good break