
A small area with a collection of really fun problems in various styles and grades. The best problems are in the 6B to 7A range with varying steepness.

⭐ Recommended problems
"Skogsdisko" (6B) - a very nice traverse with a fun crux move at the start.
"Bönstjälken" (6B) - a great highball which fortunately is hardest at the beginning.
"Eliminati" (6B) - fun crimps climbing.
"Otto" an the variants (~6A-6C).
"Murbräcka" (6C) - a technical traverse.
"Hjördis" (7A) - small overhang.
"Fasan" (7A) - fingery and requires some power and technique.
"Angry Birds" (7A+) - a nice overhang with crimps and slopers.
"Asket" (7C ) - overhang with a hard sit-start.

Mostly good landings. An extra pad is nice for the traverses such as Skogsdisko and the highball Bönstjälken. The granite is good and not too hard on the skin.

Best season is usually early spring. The boulders are located in a pine forest and shaded by the trees, can take some time to dry after heavy rain.


Initially seveloped in 2022, but as many of the areas it was found a couple of years earlier.