Sd. Follow the big holds in the overhang and top out. FA by T. Kluge 09/2007.
Traverse without any defintions. From the big ledge on the left to the big one on the right. FA by G. Krug 1990.
SD. Deep traverse from left to right along the fine crack. The first moves are the hardest. FA by F. Jaenecke 09/2010.
SD as "Elsterglanz", but keep left and dyno from the marked crimps to the top.
Sd. Approximately along the crackline.
Sd. Without the big hole to the right and the dihedral. (Otherwise: FB 4)
Sd. Traverse along the juggy crack to the right and top out.
Hard Sd right of the edge, then super moves along wall and edge.
Sd right of the small overhang. Straight up through the wall.
FA Benny Gerono, 13.12.2020. Combination of "Glasnost" and "Elsterglanz".
Combination of "Strahlenfänger" and "Die Mutter aller Sitzstarts"-traverse without the big ledges inbetween. After the first part one has to stay high, then downclimbing at the beginning of "Die Mutter..."
Sd. Wall and righthanded edge. Topout.
Hard Sd; after that straight up with everything which is reachable. FA: A. Spatzier 09/2007.
Sd; without edge and dihedral. Only the small wall-"band". FA by F. Beyer 09/2007.
Sd. Right of the edge with everything.