No special access issues

Fruberget is 14 Km to the north of Västervik. To get there form Västervik, drive north along the harbour and cross the bridge that connect Västervik to the peninsula “Norrlandet”. Drive north along the peninsula until you reach one of the two parking spots.
Parking 1 is bigger and probably a better choice for the weekends. The walk from this parking is longer but less steep. Parking 1 is closer to the sectors Biologi, Stora Grottan and Borat.
Parking 2 is very small. Please if the parking is full park in Parking 1. Parking 2 is closer to the sectors Fat Cat, Croman and Lätta Väggen.
The time to reach the sectors V-Väggen and Lilla Grottan is more or less the same from both parkings.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email