Ondi ku hole thumbnail
Ondi ku hole
6C+ Boulder at Whitey
Whitey thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Whitey
Straight thumbnail
4 Boulder at Whitey
Kleine thumbnail
5 Boulder at Kids Wall
Ramp thumbnail
3 Boulder at Kids Wall
Stoneplant thumbnail
3 Boulder at Kids Wall
Klein Gaatjie thumbnail
Klein Gaatjie
3 Boulder at Kids Wall
Boompie thumbnail
3+ Boulder at Kids Wall
Blickfang (Eye catcher) thumbnail
Never stop hopping fences thumbnail
Etjo South

The area is access sensitive!

Area is located on private land. Please behave very cautiously and quietly!

Approach from the west: crawl under a fence, walk along another fence to the east until you reach a gate and a 4x4 road (approx. 1km). Follow this road to the left (again approx. 1km) until the rocks appear on the right.

Further informations: lars.unangst@gmx.de