Footloose thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Soundtrack
Stone me into the groove thumbnail
I believe I can fly thumbnail
Slippery when wet thumbnail
Hang loose thumbnail
Hang loose
5 Boulder at Soundtrack
Tulipa thumbnail
5 Boulder at Soundtrack
Narcissus thumbnail
6A Boulder at Soundtrack
Stoner thumbnail
6B Boulder at Soundtrack
Old man anderss thumbnail
Old man anderss
6B Boulder at Soundtrack

The area is access sensitive!

We have receieved an OK from the land owner to use the road upto the marked parking area, which has room for two cars at a time.

Make sure big vehicles are able to take the turn when you park and leave a note with your phone number visible through the windshield. Also, the land owner would prefer to get a text sent to him every time anybody park their car by his road, so that he can inform other parties if necessary. Refer to parking on appointed area and climbing on his land. He can be reached on 070 - 250 74 75.

Keep a low profile while passing the houses and take extra care not to litter in the area