No special access issues

🧗‍♂️Balcó del Segre
Approach: Driving from the town of Artesa de Segre, on the narrow road running between the villages of Baldomar and Alòs de Balaguer, park in a lay-by approximately 3.3km from Alòs (P1). Walk 150m back up the road towards Alòs then turn right and follow a small trail up the hillside to the sector (5 minutes). Fixed ropes aid access to the ‘balcony’ below the higher routes.

Approach: Driving from the town of Artesa de Segre, on the narrow road running between the villages of Baldomar and Alòs de Balaguer, park in a lay-by approximately 3.3km from Alòs (P2). From here follow a steep trail up to the cliffs (10 minutes). Most routes require scrambling aided by fixed ropes in the final few metres of approach making the sector unsuitable for non-climbers and dogs.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email