
155 sport 2 boulder

Access info missing

Crag is missing access information, so remember that climbing is not always permitted. When parking, remember to leave unobstructed way for local habitants and agricultural machinery. Do not litter or make unnecessarily loud noises when at the cliff. Making fire is allowed only with a permit! Read more

We like Crazy Horse Buttress

If you are in the North of Thailand head out to crazy horse buttress you can't miss it as in crags buttress is in the shape of a horses head. So cool nice climbing on limestone.
Many sport climbing routes like 6B-6C, a few 7A routes. As a whole, there are about 130+ sport routes in aggregate, including multipitches. We only spent a day there but were quite content and liked it. Although, the place may seem boring to a more advanced and better trained climber.
6a:orna är oftast tekniska och utmanande här. Finns inte så många leder med hårda grader. Cragen är otroligt fint skött. Graderingen är lite ojämn.

Activities on this crag