Scooter thumbnail
5 Boulder at Moped/Scooter
BSA thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Moped/Scooter
Norton thumbnail
5 Boulder at Moped/Scooter
Campus 'ut thumbnail
Mantel 'ut thumbnail
Lights Out thumbnail
Kompres 'ut thumbnail
Enkel Cracker thumbnail
Swifty thumbnail
6A Boulder at Dakterras
The next generation thumbnail
Musical chairs thumbnail
The art of war thumbnail
Keeping your head thumbnail
Trouble at the top thumbnail
All or nothing thumbnail
Niet FLAAT thumbnail
4 Boulder at Theehuisje
Klimm` in Twenth

The area is access sensitive!

Bouldering/buildering is an inherently dangerous sport. You are advised to have the fundamental knowledge in order to climb as safely as possible and be adequately equipped for climbing on boulders/buildings. Please be as careful as possible in order to avoid stupid and potentially fatal accidents. The author of this guide cannot be held responsible for any accidents arising from the activity of climbing at the site.

Furthermore, the legality of climbing on some of the buildings described in this topo is questionable. The authors of this guide cannot be held responsible for the actions that follow from the reading of this topo by third parties.

The route to the site is best described by the university itself:

Parking on the terrain of the University of Twente is free of charge.