Sit Starts in the middle of the 45 on a right-facing sidepull and trends left after the smaller crescent into some crimps, then straight up past a left hand crimp and right hand gaston to vertical seam. Tops out. First Ascent: Joel Brady
Links SAMCRO into Niners. Climbs until the crux big move on SAMCRO and breaks right to join the top of Niners. FA Joel Brady
Starts the same as SAMCRO and breaks right after the first crescent moon and moves on crimps until a big move to the large crescent moon feature in the middle of the wall. Tops out. FA Joel Brady
Sit starts on two crimps in the middle of the wall. Moves up through crimps and side pulls to the top of the boulder.
Sit starts on the right side using two sloping edges. Moves up through slopers. Right Arete is off.
Sit start with low left hand side pull and right hand, vertical sloper/pinch that's really bad. Start is the crux.