The Reverend
The Reverend 1 / 2
  • Start RH in the divot pockets or whatever looks good and climb the jugs to the top. Downclimb the slab opposite this problem.
  • start on the great pinch at 6' and get to the jug and follow the mini corner onto the slab for a pretty tame exit
The Reverend
The Reverend 2 / 2
  • Start RH in the divot pockets or whatever looks good and climb the jugs to the top. Downclimb the slab opposite this problem.
  • start on the great pinch at 6' and get to the jug and follow the mini corner onto the slab for a pretty tame exit
Boulder City

The area is access sensitive!

After the steel fence post on the right, the cliff band and boulders are on private property. The Unrailed boulder marks the general end of National Forest. The parking marker on the map is the last good turn around.