No special access issues

Parking is accessed by turning off highway 1 at the 1X turnoff (same as choss but you go east instead of west). It’s a multi use lot so please park with consideration for other users.

From the lot you follow the Stoney Plain trail (an old road) until you get to a y where a single track breaks off going right (1) turn right there and travel through the field. At the end of the field (2) you keep going along this trail. The camp chief hector fence will be on your right and quickly a pond will be on your left. At the end of the pond is another y (3). Keep going straight. You will travel through a small clearing, up a little hill and into a second clearing. At the end of this clearing is a third y (4). Here you take the left fork which quickly takes you to a larger path (currently under snow). Another 5-10 minutes on this larger path takes you to the final fork where you head right into the woods.

The first boulders: the cottage and the chopping block, are 2 mins past the finally and will be visible on the left. The other sectors are a couple minutes further up the trail.

Total approach time 30-45 minutes of flat walking.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email