
Located just above the 'centre ville' of the village and next to Mostapha's Chalet, this area is perfect for a late evening session with nice views over the village and valley.

Back yard is, thanks to Leon Scholl, also home to Morocco's first 8A problem called 'All Allone', which during the latest imiksimik trip in 2018 saw its first repeat by Paul Craven.

Note: Near some boulders there can be a lot of litter. The imik'simik foundation organised several clean ups allready but not yet all is clean. Especially near the boulders 'Manu' and 'Luna' there is often a lot of garbage. If we all clean up a bit we contribute to a cleaner (climbing) environment.


Many new problems were established with the international group of climbers that joined the imik'simik trip in spring 2017.


The area is access sensitive!

You can easily walk up to this sector from the village and is just meters away from the chalet. You can enter the sector from various sides.

- Please park at the suggested parkings shown on 27crags.
- Please do not leave trash anywhere.
- Climbing access is sensitive; please be aware of climbing on Sheperds structures. Avoid at all costs.