No special access issues

ARHI: the inaugural crag developed by Andre Di Bari and his team.
From Massouri, take the road towards Emborios. Approximately 1 km from Arginonta, beyond the Petra homes, look for the roadside marker visible on the right beneath Arhi's large cave. Follow the well-trodden path for 5-10 minutes; routes in this extensive climbing area flank both sides of the massive cave.
For Balcony Helvetia, proceed to the far end of Arhi's right side, then scramble around and ascend for an additional 5 minutes. To reach Chappi, traverse left after Swiss Kiss in Balcony Helvetia using the fixed rope, and be cautious not to dislodge any rocks as climbers may be below.

Plenty of roadside parking on both sides of the road by the start of the trail to Arhi.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email