
Yearly top 10 averages
7A+ 0 0 0
7A 5 0 5
6C+ 6 0 6
6C 11 0 11
6B+ 31 2 29
6B 46 3 43
6A+ 51 10 41
6A 88 17 71
5+ 26 6 20
5 31 8 23
4+ 7 3 4
4 6 2 4
3+ 1 1 0
3 3 2 1
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Timanttista menoa
6A Boulder at Bossvik
6a Bossvik Boulder 2021-10-17
Red point
Red point
Tyrannosaurus rex
5+ Boulder at Bossvik
5+ Bossvik Boulder 2021-10-17
Red point
Red point
Easy life
6B+ Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
nice and easy
6b+ Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2021-10-17
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Pihlajisto
nicer at least than The right one
6b+ Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-08-20
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Pihlajisto
or was It flash, still nice
6a Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-08-20
Red point
Red point
Vittumainen lähtöote
6A+ Boulder at Pihlajisto
6a+ Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-08-20
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Taivaskallio
Hard top read
6a Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-08-17
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Taivaskallio
4 Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-08-17
6B Boulder at Taivaskallio
I dont know what i climbed but It was nice
6b Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-08-17
6A+ Boulder at Taivaskallio
6a+ Taivaskallio Boulder 2019-08-17
Red point
Red point
Pistooli Pate
5+ Boulder at Manninkallio
I was not nice, but climbed IT anyway
5+ Manninkallio Boulder 2019-08-16
5+ Boulder at Manninkallio
5+ Manninkallio Boulder 2019-08-16
Red point
Red point
Mun kivet ss
5+ Boulder at Manninkallio
5+ Manninkallio Boulder 2019-08-16
6A Boulder at Manninkallio
6a Manninkallio Boulder 2019-08-16
Red point
Red point
Man måste ofta tänka på Gula Sidorna
6A Boulder at Munkkiniemi
nice, top out bit scary but not really
6a Munkkiniemi Boulder 2019-08-02
Stig Carpelan
5+ Boulder at Munkkiniemi
5+ Munkkiniemi Boulder 2019-08-02
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Taljala
nice but was not harder than The 6A
6b+ Taljala Boulder 2019-07-31
6A+ Boulder at Taljala
great moves nivel rock
6a+ Taljala Boulder 2019-07-31
5+ Boulder at Taljala
so bad with laybacks
5+ Taljala Boulder 2019-07-31
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Taljala
nice easy
5+ Taljala Boulder 2019-07-31
Laktoositon Valio
6A Boulder at Taljala
top out bit kneeish
6a Taljala Boulder 2019-07-31
Red point
Red point
Selvä Peli
5 Boulder at Ankkalampi
would be nice to be taller or not
5 Ankkalampi Boulder 2019-07-04
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Ankkalampi
5 Ankkalampi Boulder 2019-07-04
Red point
Red point
Kantti Katti
6A Boulder at Ankkalampi
nice and easy
6a Ankkalampi Boulder 2019-07-04
Enkeli ss
7A Boulder at Haukilahti
jejeje jeeeeee
7a Haukilahti Boulder 2019-07-03
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Haukilahti
did both
6b+ Haukilahti Boulder 2019-06-29
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Uusisipoo hidden lines
no words, yes it is a fridge
6b+ Uusisipoo hidden lines Boulder 2019-06-21
Red point
Red point
Pimeetä after dark
6A Boulder at Uusisipoo hidden lines
6a Uusisipoo hidden lines Boulder 2019-06-20
Red point
Red point
Kahen tonnin keijukainen
5+ Boulder at Uusisipoo hidden lines
5+ Uusisipoo hidden lines Boulder 2019-06-20
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Kalkkiranta
päästä varpaisiin
6b Kalkkiranta Boulder 2019-06-19
Red point
Red point
Babylons Ashes stand start
5+ Boulder at Kalkkiranta
5+ Kalkkiranta Boulder 2019-06-19
Red point
Red point
Lukki Luke
6A+ Boulder at Kalkkiranta
6a+ Kalkkiranta Boulder 2019-06-19
6C Boulder at Pihlajisto
nice Even If eliminated
6c Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-06-11
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Pihlajisto
great, but The tree tries to hit on you 😊
6b+ Pihlajisto Boulder 2019-06-11
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
5+ Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-06-06
Vincent Vega
6A Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
6a Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-06-06
6A Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
nice easy
6a Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2019-06-06
6B Boulder at Fallbacka
6b Fallbacka Boulder 2019-05-09
Red point
Red point
Fatwoman Light
6C+ Boulder at Gorges du Houx
great climb, hard to say about the grade. getting the top was not easy.
6c+ Gorges du Houx Boulder 2019-04-22
Red point
Red point
Orange circuit Apremont Butte aux Dames
Maybe not The best Orange circuit, but still good. Very easy lines, exept few bit harder.
4 Apremont Butte aux Dames Boulder 2019-04-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Apremont Envers
top out to slab is bit elimination, but still nice route. Today was good friction. Last year this felt too hard, but now i found the right crimp i had lost.
7a Apremont Envers Boulder 2019-04-07
Red point
Red point
Orange Circuit (AD) - Rocher Sain-Germain Est
Good one and not all easy.
3 Rocher Saint-Germain Est Boulder 2019-04-04
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Bois Rond Auberge
oh well
6a Bois Rond Auberge Boulder 2019-03-31
Croisière en Famille
6B+ Boulder at Rocher Gréau
i did something, there was so many different betas in vídeos, but did sit and top out from right
6b+ Rocher Gréau Boulder 2019-03-24
Red point
Red point
Le Bourrelet
6A Boulder at Rocher Gréau
stand start and straight Up, nice
6a Rocher Gréau Boulder 2019-03-24
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
upgraded cause this is harder than the left one, also liked It more
6a+ Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2019-03-15
Red point
Red point
En frío
6A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
nice easy
6a Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2019-03-15
Red point
Red point
Obrint Pas
6C+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
nice small fridge type line powerful
6c+ Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2019-03-15
Red point
Red point
El abrazo del oso
6B+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
great small line and + for the name 😍
6b+ Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2019-03-15
Red point
Red point
La Señora Laja
great line, top was bit scary nyt did IT with left sider/undercling
6c Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2019-03-15
Red point
Red point
Single move
6B+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
nice sloper beginning and lot done with one hook
6b+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2019-03-12
Red point
Red point
El Ovni
7A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Pumpy huh nyt Happy that i did IT. First move was not easy.
7a Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2019-03-09
Red point
Red point
Pollos cella
6A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
nice moves
6a Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2019-03-02
Medio pollo
6B+ Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
liked It many possible betas not morpho
6b+ Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2019-03-02
Red point
Red point
Passer l’éponge sur quelque chose
6B Boulder at Peche melba
found a good beta thanks to jolli. high feet and hands obviously nyt still dead point move to The top.
6b Peche melba Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at El Arenal
best on this block, but The rock itself is not the best.
6a+ El Arenal Boulder 2019-02-20
Red point
Red point
Después del Mate
6B+ Boulder at El Arenal
nice moves, but The end could Be More interesting
6b+ El Arenal Boulder 2019-02-19
Red point
Red point
El retorno de Jonatan
6B Boulder at El Anfibio
top was bit dirty
6a+ (6b) El Anfibio Boulder 2019-02-17
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
to was powerful
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2019-02-17
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at El Anfibio
6a El Anfibio Boulder 2019-02-17
Red point
Red point
Las piedras de Ica
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2019-02-17
Red point
Red point
El huayno
? Boulder at El Anfibio
had to work in The beginning and specially at The end. Went left on sloper and right on crimp
6b+ (?) El Anfibio Boulder 2019-02-16
Red point
Red point
Fotografo manco
6B Boulder at La Dehesa
nice but wasnt sure of The feet
6b La Dehesa Boulder 2019-02-11
Red point
Red point
Manto negro
5 Boulder at La Dehesa
nice friendly
5 La Dehesa Boulder 2019-02-11
Red point
Red point
Haciendome la pascua
6A Boulder at La Dehesa
sit start would be good also
6a La Dehesa Boulder 2019-02-11
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at La Dehesa
nica powerful moves
6a+ La Dehesa Boulder 2019-02-11
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at La Dehesa
The top out was litlle unclear but did something 🤔😃
6b+ La Dehesa Boulder 2019-02-11
Red point
Red point
Unimog power
6B Boulder at La Badina
really nice, The top was a challenge
6b La Badina Boulder 2019-02-08
Red point
Red point
Cacique sit
6B Boulder at La Badina
not Bad and needed figure out the beta. sit is a joke
6b La Badina Boulder 2019-02-04
Red point
Red point
Spirulina sit
6A+ Boulder at La Badina
well it was interesting
6a+ La Badina Boulder 2019-02-04
Red point
Red point
La Magrilla
6A+ Boulder at La Badina
good line, un poco duro
6a+ La Badina Boulder 2019-02-02
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at La Badina
Did It also year ago. Nice challenge for short
6a La Badina Boulder 2019-02-02
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Val de Sincesta
was surprisingly hard
6a Val de Sincesta Boulder 2019-01-21
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Val de Sincesta
Good one powerful
6b+ Val de Sincesta Boulder 2019-01-21
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at El Arenal
I was not sure of The starting holds. with My height IT IS not possible to do sit start so i did a crunch start. that way at least this was a nice line.
6b+ El Arenal Boulder 2019-01-15
Red point
Red point
Sopa de letras
6A+ Boulder at El Arenal
nice and footworky
6a+ El Arenal Boulder 2019-01-15
Año del conejo
6A+ Boulder at El Arenal
nice, The beginning was bit hard for me. was scared of The trees
6a+ El Arenal Boulder 2019-01-13
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at El Arenal
I had to take it easy
6a El Arenal Boulder 2019-01-13
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Santa Barbara
top out was bit nothing
5 Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Red point
Red point
3 Boulder at Santa Barbara
3 Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
4 Boulder at Santa Barbara
4 Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Red point
Red point
Ma allá de las nubes
6A+ Boulder at Santa Barbara
easy but high
6a+ Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Red point
Red point
La espada de Damocles
6B Boulder at Santa Barbara
good line, but the whole rock is tiny
6b Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Red point
Red point
Dionisio primero
6A Boulder at Santa Barbara
nice easy
6a Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Red point
Red point
Placa derecha
6B Boulder at Santa Barbara
Bit weird line, wasnt sure how It goes bit climbed something 6b
6b Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Primeros pasos
5 Boulder at Santa Barbara
5 Santa Barbara Boulder 2019-01-07
Red point
Red point
El despertón
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
rakas rapis
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-12-31
Red point
Red point
Ofensiva / Indiana
The first move was not easy for me but liked it
6a Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2018-12-30
Red point
Red point
nice line except The ending is bit stupid at least with My beta 😃 The 6c version is probably lot better
6b Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2018-12-30
Red point
Red point
nice warm up
6a Entre aguas - Albarracín Boulder 2018-12-30
Red point
Red point
La letrina (direct)
6C Boulder at Parking Albarracin
For me this was not at all easy. The first move needed lot of tries. good line.
6c Parking Albarracin Boulder 2018-12-29
Red point
Red point
Los Presuntos
6B+ Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Now flash, but I have probably tried this some years ago. Many betas possible and not at least morpho 🦄
6b+ Parking Albarracin Boulder 2018-12-27
Red point
Red point
Animal de sèquia
6A+ Boulder at El Bulevar
nice tiny Boulder, with good warm Up lines
6a+ El Bulevar Boulder 2018-12-21
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at El Bulevar
The beginning is bit hard, but this líne has nice crimps 😊
6b El Bulevar Boulder 2018-12-21
Red point
Red point
Täysi Q
6A Boulder at Lappnor
liked more the 5 on The other side
6a Lappnor Boulder 2018-06-24
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Lappnor
bit hard and slippery holds
5 Lappnor Boulder 2018-06-24
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Lappnor
ekaa muuvia joutu yrkkää aika monta kertaa ennen kuin löyty oikeat kohdat käsille ja jalalle
6a+ Lappnor Boulder 2018-06-23
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Lappnor
6a Lappnor Boulder 2018-06-23
6B+ Boulder at Hannus
Second go cause first go got scared about the hight. Good holds. Best line on The block since i cant do any one of The other lunes.
6b+ Hannus Boulder 2018-06-18
Red point
Red point
Luottamus, e
6C+ Boulder at Vuohimäki
Great line, wish it was bit higher
6c+ Vuohimäki Boulder 2018-06-14
Red point
Red point
Des Vertes et des pas Mûres
7A Boulder at Apremont Désert
Felt really easy, but really nice. Top easier for short
7a Apremont Désert Boulder 2018-05-22
Red point
Red point
Le Mouton
6C Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
For me It wasn't that easy, had to find really specific left hand and foot, so that i could reach to The second sloper. Great line.
6c Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2018-05-16
Red point
Red point
Organic Mantel
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Calentado el biceps
6A Boulder at El Anfibio
nice easy
6a El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
El estupisentado
6B Boulder at El Anfibio
6b El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
El estupidepie
5 Boulder at El Anfibio
5 El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
El estupiagujero
6A Boulder at El Anfibio
6a El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
best 6a+ route
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Espinilleitor izquirda
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
someone said i climbed the right version wrong
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Grüne Welle
6C Boulder at El Anfibio
amazing, the top was bit scary
6c El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Font gym
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
star line
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Piel de platano
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
nice one
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Baby Rubik
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
nice girlfriend line
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
The sheep thingy
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
El señuelo de Las ovejas
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Estilo de Foca
6B Boulder at El Anfibio
didn't like it
6b El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Pan con aceite
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
i was pumped
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Asi asi
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Sin Sangre
6C+ Boulder at El Anfibio
had to project alot, but star line
6c+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Asi si
6B+ Boulder at El Anfibio
really top class
6b+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Oso no dinamico (de pie)
6B Boulder at El Anfibio
was bit scary, but liked it
6b El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Lunatic Luna
6C+ Boulder at El Anfibio
loved it
6c+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
Tonto novio
6A Boulder at El Anfibio
6a El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
FA, My first in Spain
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at El Anfibio
6a El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at El Anfibio
5 El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
5 Boulder at El Anfibio
5 El Anfibio Boulder 2018-03-14
Route 66
6A+ Boulder at Crevillent
interesting and The top was not super easy, cause the landing is bit sketchy. My first route in Crevillente and i was not totally psyched.
6a+ Crevillent Boulder 2018-02-05
Red point
Red point
Castillos en el aire
7A Boulder at Camineros
My first 7a. liked this line a lot and It was only one day project.
7a Camineros Boulder 2018-01-05
Red point
Red point
7A ido el pie
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
I dont know where The line goes, but did definitely 6b-line
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
Che Sudaka
5+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Hard for the grade
5+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
5+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2018-01-03
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Techos Albarracin
6b Techos Albarracin Boulder 2018-01-02
Red point
Red point
El monedero
6C Boulder at Valle de la Madera
The top was difficult for me and also The first move took some Time. In The end i really liked this. It feels bit high, but IT IS not really that bad.
6c Valle de la Madera Boulder 2018-01-02
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
One year ago this seemed imposible.
6c La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2017-12-31
Red point
Red point
Doble zero
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Liked The Hook beta
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-12-31
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at La Jota
End was not easy and did not get any style points. before the top I needed to change The left hand for heel hook.
6b La Jota Boulder 2017-12-04
Red point
Red point
La boina
6A+ Boulder at La Jota
The end was good challenge
6a+ La Jota Boulder 2017-12-04
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at El barranco del ciego
Interesting top, in the end i liked It, bit at first felt bit weird line
6a+ El barranco del ciego Boulder 2017-11-30
Red point
Red point
¡Paaaap paaap!
5 Boulder at El barranco del ciego
good line, made The top from right.
5 El barranco del ciego Boulder 2017-11-30
Red point
Red point
Romuscuidad / PAR-B17-L8
6A+ Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Easy line, everything was done with the same hook
6a+ Parking Albarracin Boulder 2017-11-23
Red point
Red point
Placa K
6B Boulder at Techos Albarracin
great line, bit scary middle Part, when i had to lift My feet so that i could get The next hold, which tall people get for free. i hate tall people, sometimes 😆
6b Techos Albarracin Boulder 2017-11-22
Red point
Red point
El chimpancé
6B Boulder at Techos Albarracin
really nice line, The top was bit hard for me
6b Techos Albarracin Boulder 2017-11-22
Red point
Red point
Rude zona
6A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
nice easy
6a+ Techos Albarracin Boulder 2017-11-22
Red point
Red point
El chocho chino
6B+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
this was hard for me, powerful, good line still
6b+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-20
Red point
Red point
Pinus Rodenus
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
sharp crimps and avoiding hitting The tree was bit hard, still a nice line
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-20
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
nice easy line 2.go, cause The landing scared me at first.
6a+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-20
Red point
Red point
El cabrón
6C Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
liked alot, bit crimpy, with good beta easy
6c Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-20
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
nice, easy, top was a bit sketchy
6a Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-17
Red point
Red point
El del peak
6A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
nice and easy, might Been flash
6a Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-17
Red point
Red point
La Rampa
6A+ Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
nice route, easy
6a+ Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-17
6B Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
nice, had bit hard Time with The second move, but Hook helped
6b Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-17
Red point
Red point
Roca a la casa
6A Boulder at Parking Albarracin
some holds bit sharp but good line
6a Parking Albarracin Boulder 2017-11-15
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
there is no sitstart said someone,WHO knows 😆
5+ Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-15
6A+ Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
dont understand The need of sitstart
6a+ Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-15
Red point
Red point
The way
5+ Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
cool LINE good moves
5+ Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-15
Red point
Red point
Salsa Rosa
5+ Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
5+ Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-15
Sietea (sit)
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Really liked this one
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-11
Red point
Red point
La Raja
5+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Everything felt hard today or then this IS hard 5
5+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-07
Red point
Red point
El patito
6A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
This was bit hard for me for The grade or then i am in shit shape
6a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-07
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Nice, needed bit to find good beta
6b Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2017-11-05
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
Nice easy warm-up
6a Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-03
Red point
Red point
El Vivac
6A Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
Nice easy warm-up
6a Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2017-11-03
Red point
Red point
Cannonball (gauche)
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6b Franchard Isatis Boulder 2017-10-17
Red point
Red point
Le Test du Plafond
6A Boulder at Rocher du Guetteur
Nice little roof
6a Rocher du Guetteur Boulder 2017-10-15
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Frontside Jollie
Very nice moves 😊
6b+ Frontside Jollie Boulder 2017-10-01
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Hauis
I liked this cause i like Jolli.
6a+ Hauis Boulder 2017-09-30
Red point
Red point
Nice place between past and future
6C+ Boulder at Kasviken
Took all my power and needed betawork. Kneebar, toehooks and kneedrops were the answer. Topping was easy, but still came down once cause didnt know The beta. Loved this route still.
6c+ Kasviken Boulder 2017-06-02
Red point
Red point
Mun beta on alphaa
6B+ Boulder at Kasviken
Feet kept slipping at the beginning until I decided to start with high foot.
6b+ Kasviken Boulder 2017-05-29
Red point
Red point
Maken sloupperihässäkkä
6B Boulder at Kasviken
Would have flashed it, but Mr. Uponen came into my way.
6b Kasviken Boulder 2017-05-29
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
Felt easy, but great.
6c Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2017-05-29
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Fågelberget
Easy and tricky
5 Fågelberget Boulder 2017-05-26
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Fågelberget
6c+ Fågelberget Boulder 2017-05-26
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Kasviken
6a Kasviken Boulder 2017-05-25
Red point
Red point
Revenge of Eino
6A+ Boulder at Kasviken
6a+ Kasviken Boulder 2017-05-25
Märempi on parempi
6A Boulder at Kasviken
6a Kasviken Boulder 2017-05-25
Red point
Red point
Chemin de traverse
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Don't understand The explanation above, but did The traverse that is 5c in fun Block and 6a in bleau.
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-05-02
Red point
Red point
L'orientale, red 40
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Felt harder than 5+
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-05-02
Red point
Red point
le Pilier du Tourniquet
6A Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
Hard for The grade at least for my height
5 (6a) Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2017-04-28
Red point
Red point
Quelle Conque
5+ Boulder at Petit Bois
Dont know if The left hold on top should be eliminated
5+ Petit Bois Boulder 2017-04-26
Red point
Red point
Moondance (black #8)
6A Boulder at Cuisinière Crête Sud
High and scary even if the top is easy. Was also totally streched in The middle.
6a Cuisinière Crête Sud Boulder 2017-04-21
Red point
Red point
La Grande Classique
6A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
Nice and airy line, Liked The moves on this.
6a Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2017-04-18
Red point
Red point
Le Tiroir Secret / Mémorium
5+ Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
Had hard time at The top. Hooking helped me a lot on this one.
5+ Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2017-04-18
Red point
Red point
Les Nineties
6A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
2. Go, i dont like bad traverses.
5+ (6a) Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2017-04-18
Red point
Red point
Ça Décape Sec
5 Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
Nice and easy but i got confused at The top on first go.
5 Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2017-04-18
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Bois Rond Auberge
Great line, but bit sketchy landing.
6a+ Bois Rond Auberge Boulder 2017-04-17
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Buthiers
Safer than it looks, top was easy, but had to fight before that. Needs footwork
6a Buthiers Boulder 2017-04-14
Red point
Red point
La Voie Lactée
6A Boulder at Buthiers
Top was hard for me
6a Buthiers Boulder 2017-04-14
Red point
Red point
No Mojo
6B+ Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
Soft and short route, but still Liked it. Definitely can be done with many different betas.
6b (6b+) Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2017-04-10
Red point
Red point
Orange circuit Hautes-Plaines
4+ Boulder at Franchard Hautes-Plaines
Best Orange circuit i have done. Some are bit high but all are good quality
4+ Franchard Hautes-Plaines Boulder 2017-04-08
Red point
Red point
Sans Calorie (blue #2)
6A Boulder at Bois Rond
Start was tricky but very nice. The topping might be maybe bit boring for tall, but i really liked The fight.
6a Bois Rond Boulder 2017-04-06
Red point
Red point
La Quille
6B+ Boulder at Bois Rond
Had a hard time getting The move to The roof, mantel is easy. Took time to develope good beta for short.
6b+ Bois Rond Boulder 2017-04-06
Red point
Red point
L'Ancien (Red 5)
6A Boulder at Rocher Canon
Found The beginning bit tricky for short.
6a Rocher Canon Boulder 2017-04-04
Red point
Red point
Le Moulin à Vent, Red 6
5 Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Needed many betatries until found a nice one. Did not want to take The little sharp pebble on right.
5+ (5) Franchard Isatis Boulder 2017-04-03
Red point
Red point
La Zip Zut
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Hard fight with this and definitely 6b even in font. If this feels soft, you are not doing The right route,
6b Franchard Isatis Boulder 2017-04-03
Red point
Red point
L'Horloge (red #5)
5 Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Easy but bit tricky top
5 Franchard Isatis Boulder 2017-04-03
Red point
Red point
L'Horloge assis
6A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Nice and easy good holds
6a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2017-04-03
Red point
Red point
Le Surplomb du Lépreux
6A Boulder at Éléphant
As a short person had to use really high left foot.
6a Éléphant Boulder 2017-03-31
Red point
Red point
Les Bossettes du Lépreux
6A Boulder at Éléphant
Mantel was super hard for my fingers. My pulleys didn't like this route, but I did.
6a Éléphant Boulder 2017-03-31
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Éléphant
Liked it, but had really work to find a good beta for me.
6a Éléphant Boulder 2017-03-31
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Bois Rond
Nice and easy, definitely no 6b+ in my opinion.
6a (6b+) Bois Rond Boulder 2017-03-29
Le Strudel
6A Boulder at Buthiers
6a Buthiers Boulder 2017-03-26
Red point
Red point
Chien Perdu
6A+ Boulder at Buthiers Tennis
Great slab but needed many tries cause left foot was slipping
6a+ Buthiers Tennis Boulder 2017-03-26
Red point
Red point
L'Éminence Grise
6A Boulder at Buthiers Tennis
Tried it before after rains, but now it was easy. Scary cause of height.
6a Buthiers Tennis Boulder 2017-03-26
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Buthiers Tennis
Nice slab
6a Buthiers Tennis Boulder 2017-03-26
Red point
Red point
La Cent blagues
6A Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
Did my opinion The 6a version with holds on right also. I am not sure how The different lines go on this wall.
6a Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2017-03-25
Red point
Red point
Le Rouge-Gorge
6A Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
Good challenge
6a Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2017-03-25
Red point
Red point
l'Aréte sans l'Aréte (gauche)
6A+ Boulder at Rocher Fin
Liked it and it is quite high
6a+ Rocher Fin Boulder 2017-03-24
Red point
Red point
La Marie-Rose - Red 22
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Slippery footholds, needed a lot of tries, but now when I learnt the best beta for me, could easily do it again. Liked it a lot, good learning process.
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-03-22
Red point
Red point
L'Étoile Rouge (assis) (Red #21)
6B Boulder at Drei Zinnen
Really Liked it even if one grim ate my finger.
6b Drei Zinnen Boulder 2017-03-21
Red point
Red point
Red 43
5+ Boulder at 95.2
Very hard for The grade 5+ this took all The power on The top, but still Liked it
6a (5+) 95.2 Boulder 2017-03-16
Red point
Red point
Surplomb Rouge
6A Boulder at Rocher des Souris
Liked it very unfont. Second go and first from beginning.
6a Rocher des Souris Boulder 2017-03-16
Red point
Red point
Rêve d'Eiger
4 Boulder at Petit Bois
Nice and easy
4 Petit Bois Boulder 2017-03-15
Red point
Red point
Rondeurs ennemies
5 Boulder at Petit Bois
Top out was not easy for me
5 Petit Bois Boulder 2017-03-15
Red point
Red point
Des pieds et des mains
6A+ Boulder at Petit Bois
Hard, took all my power, but interesting line.
6a+ Petit Bois Boulder 2017-03-15
Red point
Red point
Le Cul de Souris (droite)
6A+ Boulder at Bas Cuvier
In fun Block this was Bob Le flambeur 5a, but everywhere else (bleau, 5+6) this name.
6a+ Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-03-14
Red point
Red point
Le Cul de Souris
6B Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Nice line, but felt soft. My first 6b in font.
6b Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-03-14
Red point
Red point
Bob le Flambeur
5+ Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Had to jump from The bad slouper a bit to get The next hold, so bit hard for grade compared The next line on left.
5+ Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-03-14
Red point
Red point
La Fortune
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Nice but felt super soft, i have never flashed 6a in font
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-03-11
Le Trou du Simon
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2017-03-11
Red point
Red point
Défense d'Ivoire
4+ Boulder at Rocher Canon
Bit high so i was scared at The top
4+ Rocher Canon Boulder 2017-03-10
Le French Cancan (Sky blue 36)
5 Boulder at Rocher Canon
Hard for The grade but yes font
5 Rocher Canon Boulder 2017-03-10
Red point
Red point
L'Attrape-Mouche (Sky blue 6)
5 Boulder at Rocher Canon
Easy and nice
5 Rocher Canon Boulder 2017-03-10
5+ Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
Liked it even if so little problem.
5+ Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2017-03-07
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Chironico North
Love at The second move, very good line.
6b+ Chironico North Boulder 2017-02-27
Red point
Red point
Mandarin The
6A+ Boulder at Chironico North
Was bit of a struggle, but in The end, with new beta, easy.
6a+ Chironico North Boulder 2017-02-25
Red point
Red point
Life's good
6A Boulder at Chironico North
Nice and easy, landing not The best ever but ok.
6a Chironico North Boulder 2017-02-25
Red point
Red point
Good News
6A Boulder at Chironico South
Hook saved me!
6a Chironico South Boulder 2017-02-23
Red point
Red point
Plat du jour
5+ Boulder at Chironico South
5+ (5+) Chironico South Boulder 2017-02-19
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Chironico South
Double hooking was great :)
6b Chironico South Boulder 2017-02-15
Red point
Red point
La Cascarilla
6B Boulder at Peche melba
Long and hard, but easy holds.
6b Peche melba Boulder 2017-01-30
Red point
Red point
El insecto
6B Boulder at El Anfibio
6b El Anfibio Boulder 2017-01-30
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at El Anfibio
Interesting end
6c+ (6c) El Anfibio Boulder 2017-01-30
Red point
Red point
Tuit 2
6A+ Boulder at El Anfibio
6a+ El Anfibio Boulder 2017-01-30
Red point
Red point
El hombre de chapa
6B Boulder at Camineros
Top was bit scary, but with good beta very safe.
6b Camineros Boulder 2017-01-29
Red point
Red point
La naranja
6A Boulder at Camineros
6a Camineros Boulder 2017-01-29
El charco
5 Boulder at Camineros
5 Camineros Boulder 2017-01-29
Red point
Red point
Al aya que voy
6A Boulder at El Arenal
6a El Arenal Boulder 2017-01-23
Las vecinitas de Masón
6B Boulder at El Arenal
Nice trave line, really liked it.
6b El Arenal Boulder 2017-01-23
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at El Arenal
Bit difficult to find a beta for me, but in the end went with a hook.
6b El Arenal Boulder 2017-01-23
Red point
Red point
Falsa Pegatina / PAR-B15-L3
6B+ Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Long and powerful, but great line.
6b+ Parking Albarracin Boulder 2017-01-13
Red point
Red point
El Txavo del ocho
6A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Easy and nice
6a+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2017-01-07
6B Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
6b Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2017-01-05
Red point
Red point
Warmer zone
6A Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
6a La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2017-01-02
Red point
Red point
Choque hipoglucémico
6A+ Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
6a+ La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2017-01-02
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
6a La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2017-01-02
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6a+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-31
6A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Was hard for me, or then it was a weak day :)
6b (6a+) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-31
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Pinturas Albarracin
Dab sensitive and not so special line.
6a+ (6b) Pinturas Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-30
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Techos Albarracin
6b Techos Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-30
Obra de arte
6A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
With right beta 6a
6a+ Techos Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-30
Red point
Red point
Placa Ninja
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Second go
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-28
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-28
Red point
Red point
El Cuarto oscuro
6A Boulder at Parking Albarracin
6a Parking Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-25
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Second go without dab
6b Parking Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-22
Red point
Red point
El Cocodrilo
6A Boulder at Cabrerizo Albarracín
6a Cabrerizo Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-22
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Parking Albarracin
6a+ Parking Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-22
6B Boulder at Parking Albarracin
6b Parking Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-22
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Second go, shit start, but the end was nice.
6a Techos Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-18
Red point
Red point
Directo a tu recto
6A Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Dont remember was it Flash or Second go, nice line.
6a Techos Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-17
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Techos Albarracin
6a Techos Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-17
Operacíon Ágila
6A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Second go. Nice, but bit sharp
6a (6a+) Techos Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-17
Red point
Red point
Primer mantel
6A Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
6a La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-15
6A+ Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
Second go
6a+ La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2016-12-15
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
With right beta easily done and really ejoyed it
6a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-14
Red point
Red point
4+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Nice and easy
4+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-14
El supo
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Second go, felt bit like a seal in The end
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-14
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Bit tricky first but totally awesome
6b Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-13
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-12
6A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6a+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-12
Red point
Red point
El Sartenazo
6A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-12
La victoria fácil
6A Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
6a Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-12
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
Really liked it
6a+ Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2016-12-12
Red point
Red point
Fil Retors (direct)
6A Boulder at 95.2
Felt bit soft but good line, nice cheese boulder
6a 95.2 Boulder 2016-12-09
Red point
Red point
4 Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
4 Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2016-12-05
La V1, Red 16
5 Boulder at Bas Cuvier
Was really hard to get the pocket.
5 Bas Cuvier Boulder 2016-12-03
Red point
Red point
Le Nez (black #10)
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
The top out was bit scary and the route not so easy with bad ape index.
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2016-12-03
Red point
Red point
Boule de Gomme
4+ Boulder at Éléphant
4+ Éléphant Boulder 2016-12-01
La Fissure Est du Piaf
3 Boulder at Éléphant
3 Éléphant Boulder 2016-12-01
Pas Glop
6A Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
First 6a in font, but felt bit soft
6a Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2016-11-30
Red point
Red point
4+ Boulder at Bas Cuvier
4+ Bas Cuvier Boulder 2016-11-28
Red point
Red point
Blue 36
3+ Boulder at 95.2
3+ 95.2 Boulder 2016-11-27
Amiens (Old red #43)
5 Boulder at 95.2
5 95.2 Boulder 2016-11-27
L'ectoplasme (blue #38)
4+ Boulder at 95.2
4+ 95.2 Boulder 2016-11-27
Red point
Red point
La Patinette (red #18)
4+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Liked this one
5+ (4+) Franchard Isatis Boulder 2016-11-25
Red point
Red point
Bouddha standing start
5+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Got lost at the top :)
5+ Franchard Isatis Boulder 2016-11-19
Red point
Red point
Anti-gel (red #52)
5+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
My first boulder ever in Font, jei!
5+ Franchard Isatis Boulder 2016-11-19
Red point
Red point
Kun Jariin koskee
6A+ Boulder at Uusisipoo hidden lines
6a+ Uusisipoo hidden lines Boulder 2016-10-09
Pimeetä after dark sitstart
6A+ Boulder at Uusisipoo hidden lines
6a+ Uusisipoo hidden lines Boulder 2016-10-09
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Uusisipoo hidden lines
6a Uusisipoo hidden lines Boulder 2016-10-09
5 Boulder at Pinsiö
5 Pinsiö Boulder 2016-10-07
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Pinsiö
5 Pinsiö Boulder 2016-10-07
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Avolouhos
5+ Avolouhos Boulder 2016-10-01
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Mellunmäki boulders
Great for pygmis with bad ape index :)
6a+ Mellunmäki boulders Boulder 2016-09-07
Red point
Red point
The raccoon walk
4 Boulder at Taikametsä
No fall zone
4 Taikametsä Boulder 2016-08-31
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Boulder at Taikametsä
Earlier it was easier, but then one dude broke some stone. Now it is great.
5 Taikametsä Boulder 2016-08-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
Karhun kolo
5 Boulder at Hurissalo
This was The best ever
5 Hurissalo Boulder 2016-06-25
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Hurissalo
5 Hurissalo Boulder 2016-06-25
Red point
Red point
Shuffle Robot
5 Boulder at Hurissalo
5 Hurissalo Boulder 2016-06-24
Red point
Red point
Fault zone
6A Boulder at Kurttila
Easy and friendly stone
6a Kurttila Boulder 2016-06-01
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Matinkylä
Climbed everything, so not only 5+ :)
5+ Matinkylä Boulder 2016-05-05
Red point
Red point
Varo mäntyä
5 Boulder at Matinkylä
5 Matinkylä Boulder 2016-05-05
Boulder problem #1
5 Boulder at Soukka
Nothing special, but was scared, cause first time this boulder seems so high.
5 Soukka Boulder 2016-04-27
Boulder problem #5
5 Boulder at Soukka
This was ok, not too exited.
5 Soukka Boulder 2016-04-27
6A Boulder at Haukilahti
I liked the crack, even if it took too long to do it :)
6a Haukilahti Boulder 2016-04-24
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Koivusaari
The top was bit scary :(
5+ Koivusaari Boulder 2016-04-24
Red point
Red point
Keep it simple
6A Boulder at Viidakkokalliot
6a Viidakkokalliot Boulder 2016-04-21
Red point
Red point
Petskis Arete
6A Boulder at Särkynyt kivi
Now when I climbed it, I can say I liked it. Trying and failing wasn't that much fun. :)
6a Särkynyt kivi Boulder 2016-04-15
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Eestari
My hands hurt at first, but then the pain stopped :) Jee!
6a Eestari Boulder 2016-04-04
Red point
Red point
Crack up
6B Boulder at Eestari
I liked this, good for pygmis like me. Full of cracks ;)
6b Eestari Boulder 2016-04-04
Red point
Red point
Luu ulkona
5 Boulder at Haukilahti
Jalka pelotti. Apua!!!
5 Haukilahti Boulder 2016-03-31
6A Boulder at Haukilahti
First time in Haukilahti. Jee!!!
6a Haukilahti Boulder 2016-03-31