
Yearly top 10 averages
7C 0 0 0
7B+ 3 0 3
7B 0 0 0
7A+ 9 0 9
7A 17 2 15
6C+ 2 0 2
6C 14 3 11
6B+ 5 3 2
6B 9 4 5
6A+ 3 3 0
6A 7 5 2
5+ 2 1 1
5 0 0 0
4+ 0 0 0
4 1 1 0
3+ 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
2.4 Pascals (stand)
6C Boulder at Glendalough
If you get this the sit start is only a few minutes away, not much harder really. Stand start hard for the grade
7a+ (6c) Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-31
Red point
Red point
2.4 Pascals (ss)
7B+ Boulder at Glendalough
Not much harder than the stand? Crux is still the deadpoint move imo
7a+ (7b+) Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-31
Red point
Red point
Going Down on Chillax
7A+ Boulder at Glendalough
Makes this line even better
7b (7a+) Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-31
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Glendalough
Dont know how it was before the starthold broke, pretty fun though.
7a Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-25
Red point
Red point
Superstars of BMX
7A+ Boulder at Glendalough
7a+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-25
Red point
Red point
The Egg (sit start)
7B+ Boulder at Glendalough
7b+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-25
Red point
Red point
The Uberhang Dyno
6B+ Boulder at Glendalough
6b+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-18
White Stick
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6b (6c) Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
Black Art
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6c Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Glendalough
6c+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
The Lyrids
7A Boulder at Glendalough
6a+ (7a) Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
The Goat
7B Boulder at Glendalough
Finally got ya you wee feck
7a (7b) Glendalough Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
Hook And Reach
6C Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
5 if you're 1m75 or more...
5 (6c) Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2019-05-04
Stop Feeding it
7A Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
2nd or 3rd go. Might be even better than Eat It?
6b+ (7a) Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2019-05-04
Red point
Red point
Eat it
7A Boulder at Fairhead Boulders
Savage problem
7a Fairhead Boulders Boulder 2019-05-04
Red point
Red point
Arete Right Of The Fin
6B+ Boulder at Glendalough
6b+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-04-27
The Fin (sit start)
7A+ Boulder at Glendalough
Class, but soft if you're tall (or my height at least)
6c+ (7a+) Glendalough Boulder 2019-04-27
Red point
Red point
Andy's Arete (sit-start)
7A+ Boulder at Glendalough
Took me a while, went after a few goes after I found the lanky beta
7a+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-04-27
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Glendasan
I believe this is FA as the boulder wasn't clean and there is no trace on it on 27crags or in the guidebook. Let me know if it isnt
6a Glendasan Boulder 2019-04-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
5+ Boulder at Glendalough
5+ (5+) Glendalough Boulder 2019-03-09
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6c Glendalough Boulder 2019-03-09
Red point
Red point
Base Camp Traverse
6A Boulder at Glendalough
5 (6a) Glendalough Boulder 2019-02-24
Greg's Problem
6A+ Boulder at Glendalough
6a+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-02-24
Tim's Mantle
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6c Glendalough Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
Quality Control
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6b+ (6c) Glendalough Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
The Groove (Sitstart)
7A+ Boulder at Glendalough
Crossed over left foot into the right foot hold, then swapped feet on it
7a+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-02-24
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Aytons Cave
6b Aytons Cave Boulder 2019-02-16
Red point
Red point
Carolines Traverse
6B Boulder at Aytons Cave
6b Aytons Cave Boulder 2019-02-16
Red point
Red point
Total Loco
7A Boulder at Aytons Cave
7a Aytons Cave Boulder 2019-02-16
Red point
Red point
Cough Medicine
6B+ Boulder at The Scalp
6b+ The Scalp Boulder 2019-02-10
Red point
Red point
Crispy Shredded
4 Boulder at Windy Gap
5 (4) Windy Gap Boulder 2019-02-09
Swail's Arete
6A Boulder at Windy Gap
4+ (6a) Windy Gap Boulder 2019-02-09
6C Boulder at Windy Gap
6a+ (6c) Windy Gap Boulder 2019-02-09
Mythical Arete
6C Boulder at Windy Gap
6a (6c) Windy Gap Boulder 2019-02-09
Crystal Myth
6B Boulder at Windy Gap
6b Windy Gap Boulder 2019-02-09
Angelina Jolie
6C Boulder at Windy Gap
6b (6c) Windy Gap Boulder 2019-02-09
Red point
Red point
Andy's Arete
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6c Glendalough Boulder 2019-02-02
Red point
Red point
Gully's Traverse
7A Boulder at The Scalp
Took a few goes, same crux as gully's problem, but slightly better line adding a couple extra good moves.
6c+ (7a) The Scalp Boulder 2019-01-28
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at The Scalp
7b+ The Scalp Boulder 2019-01-21
Red point
Red point
Afro Left
7A+ Boulder at Glendalough
I found mantling out the crux, first move super soft for the tall though
7a+ Glendalough Boulder 2019-01-19
Red point
Red point
Fisher Price Dyno
6B Boulder at Glendalough
6b Glendalough Boulder 2019-01-12
The Groove (stand)
6C Boulder at Glendalough
6b (6c) Glendalough Boulder 2019-01-11
Red point
Red point
Stinging Nettle Variation
7A Boulder at Stone Farm
7a Stone Farm Boulder 2019-01-06
Red point
Red point
Ducking Fesperate Start
6A Boulder at Stone Farm
5 (6a) Stone Farm Boulder 2019-01-05
Stinging Nettle
7A+ Boulder at Stone Farm
Savage problem even better than the left strart variant
7a+ Stone Farm Boulder 2019-01-05
Red point
Red point
Le Traverssis
6C Boulder at Gorge aux Châts
6c Gorge aux Châts Boulder 2019-01-04
Red point
Red point
l'Etoile Gauche
7A+ Boulder at Gorge aux Châts
7a+ Gorge aux Châts Boulder 2019-01-04
Red point
Red point
Howards Roof
6B Boulder at Glendalough
6b Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Big Jim 2
6A Boulder at Glendalough
6a Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Big Jim 3
6A+ Boulder at Glendalough
6a+ Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Smear Test
5+ Boulder at Glendalough
Nice little problem but gigantic sandbag
6c (5+) Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
White Arrow
6B Boulder at Glendalough
6b Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Fuck All Left
7A Boulder at Glendalough
6c (7a) Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
The Nu Rails
7A Boulder at Glendalough
6c (7a) Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Chillax left
7A Boulder at Glendalough
7a Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Rythm & Stealth
7A Boulder at Glendalough
7a Glendalough Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Man Eater
6C Boulder at Aytons Cave
I wonder if this is the lame line as Trish, found this really hard
7b+ (6c) Aytons Cave Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Bottlebank Traverse
6A+ Boulder at The Scalp
6a+ The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Holly Tree Roof
6B Boulder at The Scalp
6b The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Gully's Problem
6B Boulder at The Scalp
Very hard for the grade imo, brilliant problem though
7a (6b) The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Gen Tilly
6B+ Boulder at The Scalp
6b+ The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
6C Boulder at The Scalp
6c The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at The Scalp
6c+ The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Shady Bitch
7A+ Boulder at The Scalp
7a+ The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Crimp Narris
6C+ Boulder at The Scalp
Very very very soft
6a+ (6c+) The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
Dark Angle (ss)
7A Boulder at The Scalp
7a The Scalp Boulder 2018-11-15
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Back Bowden Doors
6b+ Back Bowden Doors Boulder 2018-05-05
Red point
Red point
Under the Spell
7A Boulder at Back Bowden Doors
7a Back Bowden Doors Boulder 2018-05-05
Red point
Red point
Little Pixies
7A Boulder at Back Bowden Doors
7a Back Bowden Doors Boulder 2018-05-05
Red point
Red point
La Rhume Folle, White 9c
7A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
7a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2018-04-02
Red point
Red point
Le Trou Simon (red #4)
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2018-04-02
Red point
Red point
Dark Angel (stand start)
6A Boulder at The Scalp
6a The Scalp Boulder 2018-01-07