
Yearly top 10 averages
6B+ 1 0 1
6B 0 0 0
6A+ 2 0 2
6A 2 0 2
5+ 2 1 1
5 1 0 1
4+ 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
3+ 1 0 1
3 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Ledge Up
5 Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
Joko minä tai reitti on outo
5+ (5) Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2024-08-08
Red point
Red point
One Mantle Less
3+ Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
En luultavasti tajunnut jotain aloituksessa, koska sain sen tuntumaan hirveän monimutkaiselta.
4 (3+) Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2024-08-08
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
5 (5+) Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2024-08-08
Bees in my Redbull
6A+ Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
After midday it's quite warm rock.
5 (6a+) Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2024-08-08
Red point
Red point
Easy life
6B+ Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
6b (6b+) Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2024-08-08
Red point
Red point
Korvan vaikutus
5+ Boulder at Soltuna
5+ Soltuna Boulder 2018-04-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Pöllökän nypytys
6A Boulder at Soltuna
6a Soltuna Boulder 2018-04-04
Red point
Red point
Tar det lungt
6A Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
6a Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2018-04-03
Red point
Red point
Baby Voodoo
6A+ Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
Nice hooking, a bit of strength and that's it!
6a+ Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2018-04-03
Red point
Red point