
Route Grade Type Crag Rating Added
7B Boulder at Arico Ortiz
7B Boulder Arico Ortiz 2021-01-23
7B Boulder at Arico Nuevo
7B Boulder Arico Nuevo 2021-03-02
Three course menu.
Maybe one day it just sooooo long........
7C Boulder San Marcos New Generation. 2022-03-26
M&M braker rest of warriors
7B+ Boulder San Marcos New Generation. 2022-03-26
Afternoon tea
I can't do dynos kepp practicing
7A Boulder San Marcos New Generation. 2022-03-26
Very close
7B Boulder San Marcos New Generation. 2022-03-27
Main with tea
Very difficult more than i though
7A+ Boulder San Marcos New Generation. 2022-03-27
Felling right
6A+ Boulder San Marcos New Generation.