
Yearly top 10 averages
8C 0 0 0
8B+ 1 0 1
8B 1 0 1
8A+ 2 0 2
8A 2 0 2
7C+ 3 0 3
7C 1 0 1
7B+ 0 0 0
7B 1 0 1
7A+ 1 0 1
7A 2 0 2
6C+ 0 0 0
6C 3 0 3
6B+ 0 0 0
6B 1 0 1
6A+ 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Fall Guy
7C Boulder at Buttermilks
Amazing climb, can't believe I waited so long to try it. Plan to do Haroun tomorrow, kept getting my heel hook stuck...
7c Buttermilks Boulder 2011-12-10
Red point
Red point
Direct North
8B+ Boulder at Buttermilks
Beautiful line, would be even better were it alone on the wall. Grades are a mystery to me, but I think this climb is probably on the soft side of V14.
8b+ Buttermilks Boulder 2011-12-08
Red point
Red point
Wall Flower
Basically what you'd expect from Suzy's boulder. Might be V11
7c+ Santee Boulders, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-12-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Mean Streak
On the side of Suzy's boulder facing the trail to dogpile. Sit start on opposing sidepulls and gun up and left. Uncertain of grade. Additionally, a reasonably obvious stand start exists that is perhaps v8-10.
8b Santee Boulders, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-06-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Not It
8A+ Boulder at Black Mountain
A hard two mover out the visor roof. Did it accidentally, meant to try Garret's old problem but missed :PVideo: the awful mantle...
8a+ Black Mountain Boulder 2011-05-28
FA Red point
FA Red point
Columbo Sit
7A+ Boulder at Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA
Pretty much what it sounds like. Crux is a little swing. V6-V8
7a+ Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-05-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Asylum Sit
Starts sitting with a very low right hand crimp and left hand sloper. Pretty much doubles the length of the climb. Uncertain of grade.
8a Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-05-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Stairway to Heaven Direct
Highball, may very well have been done before, but not in the guide and I haven't heard of it. Start in the middle of the face with right hand edge and left hand mono.
7a Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-05-07
Red point
Red point
The "Jaws Project". Right hand crimp, jump start to left hand ledge, scary. May have been top roped in the past by Chaz. V7-V9 not really sure.
7b Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-05-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Misspent Youth
8A+ Boulder at Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA
Small boulder behind Don't Rock the Boat to the left of the trail to Uncertainty. Sit start on small right facing rail, one hard move to the lip.
8a+ Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-05-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Full Circle
7C+ Boulder at Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA
Start on crimps at the end of the flake on right, 5 moves to the lip. Climb is visible from the road, it's the boulder to the left of the two painted boulders with a small capstone on top. V9-11 with a high start (hands on high right facing crimps just before the move out left, FA~2005?) that weighs in around V8.Sent first go, but had done the high start years before.
7c+ Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2011-03-03
FA Red point
FA Red point
Riders on the Storm
3 moves, start on two right facing crimps
6c Jasper Boulders, Ranchita, CA Boulder 2010-09-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Gym Rats Beware
Higball on boulder behind you when looking at the prow.
6c Jasper Boulders, Ranchita, CA Boulder 2010-09-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Atomic Wedgie
Direct variation to Wedgie.
6c Jasper Boulders, Ranchita, CA Boulder 2010-09-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Keel Haul
Sit start to "prow" on the crystal ship boulder.
7a Jasper Boulders, Ranchita, CA Boulder 2010-09-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Mojo Rising
Beautiful Climb up orange streak. Techin around on crimps and pinches. Pretty much straight behind you looking at Crystal ship.
7c+ Jasper Boulders, Ranchita, CA Boulder 2010-09-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Totally contrived but fun. Left arete of right warm up boulder. Slopers only, everything else off. Maybe V2 with everything on.
6b Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2009-04-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Rain Dance
Born of dark magiks...Once was a cool balancy slab. Now broken and potentially much harder.
8a Mt Woodson, San Diego, CA Boulder 2008-01-20
FA Red point
FA Red point