Walter White, 7B
Start as for Jesse Pinkman but instead of trending left through better holds move up direct to gain a small but positive right hand crimp before going for the top. Trickier for the short.
Added by Christos Sophocleous
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Anton Shepotko about 2 months ago.
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Demetris Papakyriacou about 1 year ago.

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Ascents from public tick lists

Paris Hadjisoteriou
Red point
Lovely tricky route with many possible micro-betas. Highly recommend albeit being a skin shredder
Joshua Steliou
Joshua Steliou
Red point
Sustained crimpy techy climbing with committing moves near the top 👌
Liam Iacovou
Red point
Anton Shepotko
Unexpected flash on such a good sharp problem

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