UNLOCK Göingeåsens naturreservat Premium

UNLOCK Göingeåsens naturreservat Premium

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Göingeåsens naturreservat

The area is access sensitive!

Its a nature reserve so be gentle and dont leave anything behind. The moss is protected by law. Dont be in the way of the farmers.
Visit and read on the site below and they have a map of the trails to.
All information and in different languages is on this site.

Göingeåsens naturreservat ligger ca 8 km söder om Hässleholm, mellan Tormestorp och Påbro. Parkeringsplats finns längs med Påbrovägen. Närmsta hållplats är "Tormestorp Spraglerödsvägen".

Göingeåsens nature reserve is located about 8 km south of Hässleholm, between Tormestorp and Påbro. Parking is available along Påbrovägen. The nearest bus stop is "Tormestorp Spraglerödsvägen".

In addition to regulations and prohibitions in other laws and regulations, it is prohibited to

1. damage solid objects or surface formation;

2. Arrange or spend the night in a camper, caravan, or equivalent;

3. bring a dog or other pet that is not kept on a leash;

4. paddle or carry other watercraft in the Tormestorpsån river;

5. excavate or otherwise damage plants (including mosses), lichens or live fungi;

7. Intentionally breaking or collecting and removing dead wood;

8. intentionally interfering with or affecting wildlife, for example through close bird photography;

9. affix a blackboard, sign, cut, inscription, poster or similar device.

Furthermore, it is prohibited to do so without the permission of the County Administrative Board

10. collect invertebrates, e.g. beetles or mussels. However, individual copies may be collected on condition that it does not violate the provisions of the leasing and that traps are not used.

11. place foreign objects (eg geocaches or similar).