Start in the large low jug (also used on "This Side of Paradise") then slap left to ramp, continue to top.
Henrik Johansson & TKAK 2001.
Sitstart and straight up.
TKAK crew 2002.
Warm-up traverse from left to right and then up. Follows the obvious line.
Henrik Johansson & TKAK 2002.
Sitstart then up via large jug and slopers on the face.
Dag Knutsson & TKAK 2001.
Crouching start with both hands on low large sloper. Slap your way straight up over more slopers.
Henrik Johansson & TKAK 2002.
Standing start. Somewhat awkward.
Team TKAK 2001.
Standing start on top of a large stone, traverse left along the lip and finish up just before Phantasmagoria.
Henrik Johansson & TKAK 2002.
Jump start to the lip then mantel staright up. Spotter could be useful.
Magnus Eriksson & Henrik Johansson 2001.
No possible sequence spotted until 2003. But times change and abilities evolve...
Crouching start, climb the arête.
Henrik Johansson (TKAK) 2001.
Fixed starting hold under the roof (crouching). Towards the lip via undercling crimp and sloper. Excludes the arête.
Dag Knutsson & TKAK 2001.
Variation - dyno from the starting hold of Phantasmagoria directly to the sloping lip.
Dag Knutsson & TKAK 2003.