No special access issues

🚗 Check the map to find the parking, it's next to the road just before the tunnel. The parking isn't big, there are more options below and after on the side of the road. Be careful on the road, drivers are fast!
🚶‍♂️ Follow the trail on the map. It's a 10min walk on a confortable path on the left side of the river.

You can also cross the river at the height of the lower parking, in front of the boulder "Deep Terra", this is a good and fast option if you can cross the river. Sometimes it can be really challenging/impossible to cross the river. Once again, sometimes the level of the water increase really fast and can be really dangerous. Don't stay in the river if possible.

No special rules, but of course bring back your trash and don't be too loud.
As it becomes popular, it's really important to not leave any trash in the forest! Thanks!


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email