
Roche aux Oiseaux
This is a relatively fast drying, family friendly compact area getting more and more attention each year. Rock quality is often top-notch and there are both high and low boulders to choose from. Landing are often good. There is also a circuit painted in orange (mostly hard to see anymore), but it's graded as Virtual D+, so it's not the common Orange, sadly the paint is almost gone so it's hard to follow. There are many high-class problems here like the following:

Brazil assis 7A
Le Mandarin 8A
La Mandarine 7C+
Satan m'Habite 7B+
Le Rouge-Gorge (assis) 6C
Migration Lente assis 7A
L'Épervier (assis) 7A
L'Épingle 6B
Monolithe 7A
La chouette 6C+
Le Grand-Duc 6A
La Cent Blagues 6A

and the list goes on.. there are a huge amount of easy good ones in the grade range 3-5+

When everyone is in Sabots, take the other road and come and check it out. You will be happily surprised! :)