No special access issues

🚗 Check the map to find the parking, it's a big parking on the left of the road.
🚶‍♂️ Follow the trail on the map. You cross the small bridge and go right to finally go up hill on the left. You are NOT allowed to walk in the big field. You can cross the field at the top, just below the cliff. It's around 5min to reach "Astérie" and 8-10min to reach the main area with "Monkey Business"

For "Shaman", you can park at the second parking in the map, and follow the trail. 5min walk.

No special rules, but of course bring back your trash and don't be too loud. Don't hesitate to brush the moss on the boulders!
As it becomes popular, it's really important to not leave any trash in the forest! Thanks!


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email