Full ADHD thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Big cave
Köysimies thumbnail
6C Boulder at Big cave
La Société du Cochon thumbnail
Mikon katto thumbnail
Mikon katto
7B Boulder at Big cave
Tanssiva taikaeläin thumbnail
Kutsuhuuto thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Big cave
Klintin taikaa thumbnail
Klintin taikaa
7A+ Boulder at Big cave
Padless roof thumbnail
Padless roof
7A+ Boulder at Big cave
Vaasalainen välisoitto thumbnail
Rumppadildo thumbnail
6A Boulder at Big cave
Road to Rumppadildo thumbnail
Road to Rumppadildo
6B+ Boulder at Big cave
Rumppadildo assis thumbnail
Rumppadildo assis
6C+ Boulder at Big cave

The area is access sensitive!

The local farm is not too keen on climbers. So make sure to be super friendly and behave extra well.

Park along Södravägen as indicated on the map. If you take care about parking, you will fir 3-4 cars at the indicated spot, but one or 2 may be blocked in.
Alternatively, you may find parking on the other side of the road. But remember to be extremely careful not to drive/park on the private roads and not to block any roads even for big agricultural machines. 🚜

🚶‍♂️ - 20min
The approach can be quite a struggle and strollers are a definite no. There is no proper trail, but the indicated trail is probably your best option. Going from "Small Cave" clockwise has a decent path. Going straight to '"highball wall" involves more bushwalking.