
Ba-ba-la... Forget any other tufa wall you've seen before. Babala takes your breath away. Up to 50m high steep hardcore tufa snake climbing. Unless you're trained how to kneebar, and rest your way up to the anchor you 'might' get pumped pinching and pulling.
More advantages: only a few hours of sun in the morning, plus a stunning view onto the wide-open-sea. Obviously, this can only be achieved with a 45min hike up from the street.
So eat well for breakfast and pack up your walking sticks, lunch, headlight, plenty of quickdraws and lactate in your forearms.


The first hand-full of routes were bolted in 2011 by B. De Lattre & A. Berry and from 2015 and further, equippers: Y. Torelli, B. Ruech & A. Eiter (2015), in 2016 by french “Group Excellence d'Escalade” (FFCAM): M. Bouyoud, C. Durif, R. Monari, N. Philip, Dechamboux Brothers, J. Halepee, P. Girard, Y. Ghesquiers, D. Angonin, Q. Castagnier. And infividual equippers: J. Andreas, J. Larson, B. Schloegl., M. Schreiber and other individuals.