No special access issues

Arrival: from Oetz, 22min
Coming from the Oetz, drive up the valley's main road for 19 km. When you have passed through the village of Langenfeld, prepare to turn right. Turn right in the small village of Astlehn, there is a sign "Klettersteig 100m". Follow the road and park just before the bridge. Parking after the bridge is only for guests of the guesthouses, please respect this.

Approach: 5-10 min.
Walk over the the bridge and continue the road all the way to the end. Between the two right-most farm-houses starts a trail behind a small cattle-gate (close this one). After passing the gate, walk about 10m and turn left. Walk up the steep grass slope and you will arrive at the block in minutes.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email